Re: [Circle] gcc error messages...

From: Andrew Jones (
Date: 11/11/96

Mud Administrator wrote:
> I was wondering if gcc did as I know some other compilers do and when a
> problem occurs that it'll give out a false error message because thats
> what appears to have happened to the compiler rather than what did(did
> any of that just make sense?)...
> The reason I am asking, is because I recently(as in last nite) added in
> the mobprog code... but, when I tried to compile it, it would do just
> fine until it got down to creating mobcmd.o and then it would finda parse
> error.... parse errors are usually easy to find, but I can't seem to find
> this one(and that is why I asked the above question)...
> anyways, any help on either part of this would be greatly appreciated
> --FREAKboy
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try looking harder, shrug

| Andrew Jones             Computer and Information Science Major   |
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