Fionn Colvin wrote: >What I'd like to do is change the mim position bit in the command list >to a list of legal positions. Something like this. > POS_DEAD a > POS_MORTALLYW b ... > > Then in the command list id have something like this below. In this > example if you were in POS_RIDING (i) or POS_STANDING (l) you could do > the command kill. etc. > > { "kill" , "il", do_kill , 0, 0 }, ... > I think this would make adding new positions much easier. > >So can anyone see any major problems which will arise from doing this? Well first of all, you have to update the socials DB to accomodate this scheme. Second, while I can see POS_CLIMBING as a valid position that precludes any other type of position (standing, sleeping, etc), I don't think it's sensible to include POS_RIDING in a positional scheme. When I implemented it, I just added a rider field to struct char_data - that way you can sleep on horseback, for example. Now, if you don't put POS_RIDING in, that complicates things. So my question is, why not simply add a bitfield to your command table that allows for checks against riding and other non-positional states? {"kill", POS_STANDING, do_kill, RIDING_ALLOWED, 0, 0}, ... That way, you don't change nearly as much. While a character-based schema would make for a more extensible *database* (the socials and mobiles databases), you don't need such an approach to make your interpreter more flexible. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.2 mQCNAzHp4aoAAAEEANXSOayXVPnQYL09AxYtkHjcTC22+URW0eAYrJQuBq30xHQG XOfA/AO36qD0ArPc1YjyX60bXTVgIQuyJzTzixNY7EtuAZ1qzYliZNdzse1mn87d 1EmpFbcnqyHd6HY6K20t7nQpDcgDvR3uPySqZ4tBYkdr44W4wOKr5Ck3PxUhAAUR tCJKYWNrIFdpbHNvbiA8ZGVlamF5QGN1LW9ubGluZS5jb20+ =4AQ9 -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------+
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