Re: [Circle] [CIRCLE] [CODE] Player file questions.

From: Johan Dustler (
Date: 11/26/96

> From: Rasdan <thomas@mail.CS.ORST.EDU>
> Hey all,
> 	Is it possible to save character's hitroll, damroll, and ac in the
> pfile without ruining it? I looked through structs.h and none of the
> spares are sbytes or sh_ints.
> Is it possible for me to change ubyte to sbyte in the spares and int to
> sh_int without really screwing everything in the world up?
> Thanks anyone for input to my questions,
> Rasdan

They are all saved in the pfile, but they are being reset before saving
and after loading. Check store_to_char and char_to_store in db.c.

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