Re: [NEWBIE][ADMIN]Log Files

From: raistlin (
Date: 12/02/96

> Ok, after all this time I still havent been able to figger out if there
> is a way of seeing activity of log in users for the day.  Found
> newusers, deleted users, etc.  But can't find like who logged in and
> from where for the day.  IS this in the stock 30bpl11?  Also is there a
> way of getting a list of ALL players.  I can get deleted ones but not
> all players.  CATing the players file is kinda useless :>
There isn't a specific log that lists people logging in each day, but the
general syslog does tell who and where they logged in from.  The "showplayer"
utility in your /src/util directory will show you all of your players.

\     :| )\   /( "Diplomacy is the art of saying )\   /( |:    /
 \    :|  )\_/(   'Nice Doggie!' until you can    )\_/(  |:   /
  >   :| (/^|^\)  find a suitable rock."         (/^|^\) |:  <
 /    :|  \*|*/   -????                           \*|*/  |:   \

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