Re: Easy-colour bug/quirk

From: Brian Williams - Nashak (
Date: 01/04/97

On Sun, 5 Jan 1997, Nic Suzor wrote:

> At 11:37 AM 1/5/97 +1100, DJ Pure wrote:
> >and the players text RED will be in bold red. Now. How can this be disabled
> >to NON imms ???
> not really sure about this, but you could try this:
> in comm.c:
> process_output()
> <snip>
>   /* add the extra CRLF if the person isn't in compact mode */
>   if (!t->connected && t->character && !PRF_FLAGGED(t->character,
>     strcat(i + 2, "\r\n");
>   if (t->character)
>     proc_color(i, (clr(t->character, C_NRM)));
this doesn't work :P tried it.. it makes it so for everyone but imms shows
up as the color code instead of color.. mines not the easy-color but it's
similar.. so I dunno the codes
>   /*
>    * now, send the output.  If this is an 'interruption', use the prepended
>    * CRLF, otherwise send the straight output sans CRLF.
>    */
> <snip>
> coulnt you change the proc_color to:
> if (t->character && GET_LEVEL(t->character) > LVL_GOD)
>   proc_color() ?
> just a thought, i dont know if this will work...
> Nic Suzor
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