Re: MOTD - iMOTD, text file refreshing

From: Hydragon (doogie@amnesiac.NMSU.Edu)
Date: 01/16/97

On Thu, 16 Jan 1997, John C. A. Bambenek, Esq. wrote:

> Is there any way to have the MUD update the MOTD, iMOTD, and text files 
> without rebooting?? i.e. some piece of code to refresh those files?
  reload * will reload all of the /text files into game memory.

   _/  _/  _/  _/  _/_/    _/_/      _/_/     _/_/_/    _/_/   _/_/  _/
   _/  _/  _/  _/  _/ _/   _/ _/    _/  _/  _/_/   _/  _/  _/  _/ _/ _/
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   _/  _/    _/    _/__/   _/  _/  _/   _/   _/_/_/     _/_/   _/   _/_

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