Re: [Clan Code Error]

From: M.A.Clubine (
Date: 02/01/97

Use tabs not spaces in the makefile.  Chances are that you copy-pasted 
that line into your makefile.  You can only use one space in makefiles at 
a time.  So go back and delete the spaces infront of it and use tabs 
instead.  Makefiles HATE multiple spaces.  Hope that helps.

Monroe - Eternal

> clan.o: clan.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h spells.h handler.h
> \
>   db.h clan.h
>         $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) clan.c

         , A ,
  ,/`,/ ,  ;  , \,`\,         
 /-,/-,/~`Y;Y`~\,-\,-\         Michael A. Clubine (
          `Y`                   E t e r n a l  ( 4000)
           }   Dragon by:
          {     Dan Hunt
           }                    "The land of Eternal awaits you..."

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