Re: Help with finding a compiler

From: Edward Almasy (
Date: 02/11/97

Erik Bennett writes:
> I really don't have much time on my hands to search the internet for a
> compiler.  Would someone send me an andress (exact like
> to me.

You have the time to run a MUD but you don't have the time to search for
a compiler?  Oh yes, your Royal Importantness -- your time is certainly
infinitely more valuable than that of the many insignificant peons who
inhabit this mailing list.  You need a compiler?  We'll get right on it!
Is there anything else that you need us to take care of for you right away?
Just say the word and we'll hop to it immediately!  We exist only to serve
and protect you from the many menial tasks that one might encounter when
setting up a MUD!

Now I think I've seen everything.  There are a number of kind, helpful,
knowledgeable people on this list, but most eventually become overwhelmed
and leave because of people like Mr Bennett who demonstrate an astounding
lack of personal initiative and consideration for others.  I don't know
what the answer is, since kind, helpful people often feel obliged to help
when a request comes in and should not be placed in a situation where they
end up feeling bad or even have to be rude, just because they are nice
enough to want to help others, but something has to be done.


My apologies to all others for the diatribe.  Sometimes the steam just
knocks the cork out of the bottle and alot of hot air escapes.  :-}

Edward Almasy
Axis Data

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