[Snippet] Random Lightning

From: AxL (axl@mindwarp.plymouth.edu)
Date: 02/17/97

	Ok, here is the code for random lightning strikes on pc's
that I mentioned before.  You can vary ythe percenatages, damage
values, etc...in weather.c
	Please note:  I did _not_ write this.  As noted in the 
comments, I ported it from EltaninMUD code, which was by Miikka.
I just don't wanna take or be given credit for something that is
not mine.
-axl @)-->---   "Beneath the stain of time, the feeling disappears.
 axl@mindwarp    You are someone else.  I am still right here." - NIN

---- In comm.c ----

	Around line 100, add:

void beware_lightning(void);

	Around line 687, add:

  if (!(pulse % (SECS_PER_MUD_HOUR/3))){

--- In weather.c ---

	Around line 24, add:

extern struct char_data *character_list; /* lightning */
extern struct room_data *world;
void die(struct char_data * ch);

	Around line 36, add:

/* ported from Eltanin by AxL, 2feb97 */
/*  added by Miikka M. Kangas  8-14-91 (note this is called with own pulses!) */
/*   I was getting bored so I wanted to add some edge to weather.    */
void beware_lightning(void) 
  int dam = 0;
  struct char_data *victim = NULL, *temp = NULL;
  char buf[256];

  if (!(weather_info.sky == SKY_LIGHTNING)) 
    return;   /*   go away if its not even stormy!   */

  if (!(number(0, 9) == 0)) 
    return;  /*  Bolt only 10% of time  */

  if (number(0,99) == 0) {   /* nobody targeted 99% */
    send_to_outdoor("You hear the clap of distant thunder.\n\r");

  } else

  for (victim = character_list; victim; victim = temp) {
    temp = victim->next;
    if ( (OUTSIDE(victim) == TRUE) && (!IS_NPC(victim)) ) {  /* PCs only */
      if  ( (number(0, 9) == 0) ) {  /* hit 10%  */

	/* damage routine here */
	dam = number(1, (GET_MAX_HIT(victim) * 2));
	if ((GET_LEVEL(victim) >= LVL_IMMORT) && !IS_NPC(victim)) 
        /* You can't damage an immortal! */
          dam = 0;
          dam = MIN(dam, 18);  /* Max 18 damage when sanctuary */
	dam = MIN(dam, 100);  /* no more than 100 hp per round */
	dam = MAX(dam, 0);    /* no less than 0 hp per round */
	GET_HIT(victim) -= dam;
	act("KAZAK! a lightning bolt hits $n.  You hear a sick sizzle.", 
         TRUE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
	act("KAZAK! a lightning bolt hits you.  You hear a sick sizzle.", 
         FALSE, victim, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

        if (dam > (GET_MAX_HIT(victim) >> 2))
          act("That Really did HURT!",FALSE, victim, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

	send_to_outdoor("*BOOM*  You hear the clap of thunder.\n\r");
	switch (GET_POS(victim)) {
          case POS_MORTALLYW:
            act("$n is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.", 
             TRUE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
	    act("You are mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.", 
             FALSE, victim, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);
  	  case POS_INCAP:
	    act("$n is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.",
             TRUE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
	    act("You are incapacitated an will slowly die, if not aided.",
              FALSE, victim, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);
  	  case POS_STUNNED:
            act("$n is stunned, but will probably regain conscience again.", 
              TRUE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
	    act("You're stunned, but will probably regain conscience again.", 
              FALSE, victim, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);
          case POS_DEAD:
            act("$n is dead! R.I.P.", TRUE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
            act("You are dead!  Sorry...", FALSE, victim, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);
          default:  /* >= POS_SLEEPING */

          if (GET_HIT(victim) < (GET_MAX_HIT(victim) >> 2)) {
            act("You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING that much!",
	  }  /* if BLEEDING */
        } /* switch */

    if (GET_POS(victim) == POS_DEAD) {
      sprintf(buf, "Thunderstorm killed %s", GET_NAME(victim));
    } /* of death */
  } /* number(0,10) */
     else { 
      act("KAZAK! a lightning bolt hits nearby", FALSE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
      act("KAZAK! a lightning bolt hits nearby", FALSE, victim, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);
      send_to_outdoor("*BOOM*  You hear the clap of thunder.\n\r");
     return;    /*  only 1 bolt at a time   */
  }  /*  if outside=true */
 } /* of for victim hunt */
} /* of procedure */

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