Well i am changing around that stat format so i just rewrote it, error given: gcc -c -g -O -Wall -fno-strict-prototypes act.wizard.c act.wizard.c:969: unterminated character constant make[1]: *** [act.wizard.o] Error 1 All of coding(so far)(at the end will be lines ~969 where i didn't edit anything): void do_stat_character(struct char_data * ch, struct char_data * k) { int i, i2, found = 0 struct obj_data *j; struct follow_type *fol; struct affected_type *aff; extern struct attack_hit_type attack_hit_text[]; if(!IS_MOB(k)) { switch(GET_SEX(k)) { case SET_NEUTRAL: strcpy(buf, "(neutral)"); break; case SEX_MALE: strcpy(buf, "(male)"); break; case SEX_FEMALE: strcpy(buf, "(female)"); break; default: strcpy(buf, "(BI-sexual)"); break; } sprintf(buf2, " %s '%s' ID(%5ld), Room(%5d)\n\r", (!IS_NPC(k) ? "PC"), GET_NAME(k), GET_IDNUM(k), world[k->in_room].number); send_to_char(strcat(buf, buf2), ch); sprintf(buf, "Title:%s %s\n\r", GET_NAME(k), (k->player.title ? k->player.title: "<None>")); send_to_char(buf, ch); srtcpy(buf, "Class: "); sprinttype(k->player.class, pc_class_types, buf2); strcat(buf, buf2); sprintf(buf2, ", Level: [%s%2d%s], EXP: [%s%7d%s], Align: [%4d]\n\r", CCYEL(ch, C_NRM), GET_LEVEL(k), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM), CCYEL(ch, C_NRM), GET_EXP(k), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM), GET_ALIGNMENT(k)); sprintf(buf, "[Hit:%s%d(%d)+ %d%s][Mana:%s%d(%d)+ %d%s][Move:%s%d(%d)+ %d%s]\n\r", CCGRN(ch, C_NRM), GET_HIT(k), GET_MAX_HIT(k), hit_gain(k), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM), CCGRN(ch, C_NRM), GET_MANA(k), GET_MAX_MANA(k), mana_gain(k), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM), CCGRN(ch, C_NRM), GET_MOVE(k), GET_MAX_MOVE(k), move_gain(k), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM)); send_to_char(buf, ch); sprintf(buf, "Str: [%s%d/%d%s] Int: [%s%d%s] Wis: [%s%d%s] Dex: [%s%d%s] Con: [%s%d%s] Cha: [%s%d%s]\n\r", CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), GET_STR(k), GET_ADD(k), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM), CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), GET_INT(k), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM), CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), GET_WIS(k), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM), CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), GET_DEX, CCNRM(ch, C_NRM), CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), GET_CON, CCNRM(ch, C_NRM), CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), GET_CHA, CCNRM(ch, C_NRM)); send_to_char(buf, ch); sprintf(buf, "AC: [%d/10], Hitroll: [%2d], Damroll: [%2d], Saving Throws: [%d/%d/%d/%d/%d]\n\r", GET_AC(k), k->points.hitroll, k->points.damroll, GET_SAVE(k, 0), GET_SAVE(k, 1), GET_SAVE(k, 2), GET_SAVE(k, 3), GET_SAVE(k, 4)); send_to_char(buf, ch); sprintf(buf, "Coins: [%9d], Bank: [%9d] (Total: %d)\n\r", GET_GOLD(k), GET_BANK_GOLD(k), GET_GOLD(k) + GET_BANK_GOLD(k)); strcpy(buf1, (char *) asctime(localtime(&(k->player.time.birth)))); strcpy(buf2, (char *) asctime(localtime(&(k->player.time.login)))); buf1[10] = buf2[10] = '\0'; sprintf(buf, "Created: [%s], Last logon: [%s], Played [%dh %dm], Age [%d]\r\n", buf1, buf2, k->player.time.played / 3600, ((k->player.time.played / 3600) % 60, age(k).year); send_to_char(buf, ch); sprintf(buf, "Hometown: [%d], Speaks: [%d/%d/%d], (STL[%d]/per[%d]/NSTL[%d])\r\n", k->player.hometown, GET_TALK(k, 0), GET_TALK(k, 1), GET_TALK(k, 2), GET_PRATICES(k), int_app[GET_INT(k)].learn, wis_app[GET_WIS(k)].bonus); send_to_char(buf, ch); sprintbit(PLR_FLAGS(k), player_bits, buf2); sprintf(buf, "PLR: %s %s %s\r\n", CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), buf2, CCNRM(ch, C_NRM)); send_to_char(buf, ch); sprintbit(PLR_FLAGS(k), preference_bits, buf2); sprintf(buf, "PRF: %s %s %s\r\n", CCGRN(ch, C_NRM), buf2, CCNRM(ch, C_NRM)); send_to_char(buf, ch); sprintf(buf, "Carrien: weight: %d, items: %d; ", IS_CARRYING_W(k), IS_CARRYING_N(k)); for (i=0, j=k->carrying; j; j=j->next_content, i++); sprintf(buf, "%sItems in: inventory: %d, ", buf, i); for (i=0, id=0; i< NUM_WEARS; i++) if(GET_EQ(k, i)) i2++; sprintf(buf2, "eq: %d\r\n", i2); strcat(buf, buf2); send_to_char(buf, ch); sprintf(buf, Hunger: %d, Thirst %d, Drunk %d\r\n", GET_COND(k, FULL), GET_COND(k, THIRST), GET_COND(k, DRUNK)); send_to_char(buf, ch); sprintf(buf, "Master: %s, FOllowers are:", ((k->master) ? GET_NAME(k->master) : "<none>")); for(fol=k->followers; fol; fol-fol->next){ sprintf(buf2, "%s %s", found++ ? "," : "", PERS(fol->follower, ch)); strcat(buf, buf2); if(strlen(buf) >=62) { send_to_char(strcat(buf, ",\r\n"), ch); else send_to_char(strcat(buf, "\r\n"), ch); *buf=found=0; } } strcpy(buf, "Default position: "); sprinttype((k->mob_specials.default_pos), position_types, buf2); strcat(buf, buf2); sprintf(buf2, ", Idle Timer (in tics) [%d]\r\n", k->char_specials.timer); strcat(buf, buf2); send_to_char(buf, ch); sprinttype(GET_POS(k), position_types, buf2); sprintf(buf, "Pos: %s, Fighting: %s", buf2, (FIGHTING(k) ? GET_NAME(FIGHTING(k)) : "Nobody")); /* Showing the bitvector */ sprintbit(AFF_FLAGS(k), affected_bits, buf2); sprintf(buf, "AFF: %s%s%s\r\n", CCYEL(ch, C_NRM), buf2, CCNRM(ch, C_NRM)); send_to_char(buf, ch); /* Routine to show what spells a char is affected by */ if (k->affected) { for (aff = k->affected; aff; aff = aff->next) { *buf2 = '\0'; sprintf(buf, "SPL: (%3dhr) %s%-21s%s ", aff->duration + 1, CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), spells[aff->type], CCNRM(ch, C_NRM)); if (aff->modifier) { sprintf(buf2, "%+d to %s", aff->modifier, apply_types[(int) aff->location]); strcat(buf, buf2); } if (aff->bitvector) { if (*buf2) strcat(buf, ", sets "); else strcat(buf, "sets "); sprintbit(aff->bitvector, affected_bits, buf2); strcat(buf, buf2); } send_to_char(strcat(buf, "\r\n"), ch); } } } Un eddited code from: ACMD(do_stat) } } else if (is_abbrev(buf1, "file")) { if (!*buf2) { send_to_char("Stats on which player file?\r\n", ch); } else { CREATE(victim, struct char_data, 1); clear_char(victim); if (load_char(buf2, &tmp_store) > -1) { store_to_char(&tmp_store, victim); if (GET_LEVEL(victim) > GET_LEVEL(ch)) send_to_char("Sorry, you can't do that.\r\n", ch); <---696 else do_stat_character(ch, victim); free_char(victim); } else { send_to_char("There is no such player file.\r\n", ch); free(victim); } } } else if (is_abbrev(buf1, "object")) { guthrie@henge.com henge.com 4000 +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | http://cspo.queensu.ca/~fletcher/Circle/list_faq.html | | Or send 'info circle' to majordomo@cspo.queensu.ca | +-----------------------------------------------------------+
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