[code] [update] My prompt patch's inline color system...

From: Daniel Koepke (dkoepke@california.com)
Date: 03/02/97

For those of you using my improved prompt patch and/or my inline
color system, this will be of some minor signifigance to you. I
posted a while back that I had a few ideas for cutting down the
length of the ansi codes produced by the interpret_colors() inline
color parser. Well, I believe I have suceeded to one extent or

Originally, each code would be 10bytes long at the MINIMUM. Most
likely they'd be 12bytes. Not good. After the revision the minimum
length is 3 bytes and the maximum length is still 12 bytes (although
mostly you'll see 5-8byte codes). Here goes the updated code, only
sparsely tested:

  // replacement for is_color() routine
  int get_color(char c) {
    if (c >= '0' && c <= '7')
      return ((c-'0')+40);

    switch (c) {
    case 'x': // x and l stand for black
    case 'l': return 30; break;
    case 'r': return 31; break;
    case 'g': return 32; break;
    case 'y': return 33; break;
    case 'b': return 34; break;
    case 'p': // p and m stand for magenta (purple)
    case 'm': return 35; break;
    case 'c': return 36; break;
    case 'w': return 37; break;
    default : return  0; break;

  char *interpret_colors(char *str, bool parse) {
    bool flash = 0, kill_flash = 0, show_bg = 0, show_flash = 0;
    int clr=37, bg_clr=40, low = -1, lclr = -1, lbg=bg_clr;
    static char cbuf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    register char *cp, *tmp;
    char i[256];

    if (!strchr(str, '&'))
      return (str);

    cp = cbuf;

    for (;;) {
      if (*str == '&') {

        if (*str == '&') {
          *(cp++) = '&';
        } else if (*str == 'f') {
          show_flash = flash = !flash;
          if (!flash) kill_flash = TRUE;
        } else if ((clr = get_color(LOWER(*str))) > 0 && parse) {
          strcpy(i, "\x1b[");

          // now it starts to get weird so we can cut down on the
          // size of the produced ansi codes
          if (islower(*str) && !low)
            kill_flash = FALSE;
          else if (kill_flash) {
            strcat(i, "0;");
            if (show_bg) sprintf(i, "%s%d;", i, bg_clr);
            kill_flash = FALSE;

          if (isupper(*str) && low) {
            strcat(i, "1");
            low = 0;
          } else if (islower(*str) && low <= 0) {
            strcat(i, "0");
            low = 1;
            show_flash = flash;
            show_bg = TRUE;

          if (clr >= 40) {
            if (lbg != clr) show_bg = TRUE;
            lbg = bg_clr;
            bg_clr = clr;

          if (show_bg) {
            sprintf(i, "%s;%d", i, bg_clr);
            show_bg = FALSE;

          if (show_flash) {
            strcat(i, ";5");
            show_flash = FALSE;

          if (clr == lcr && i[strlen(i)-1] != ';') strcat(i, "m");
          else sprintf(i, "%s%s%dm", i, (i[strlen(i)-1]=='['?"":";"), clr);
          tmp = i;
        } else {
        while ((*cp = *(tmp++)))
      } else if (!(*(cp++) = *(str++)))

    *cp = '\0';
    return (cbuf);

There... :) Okay, for the cool things:

Given the following passed to interpret_codes:
 &rHello &Rworld
In the old version this would have produced (20): 
 \x1b[0;40;31m, \x1b[1;40;31m
In this new version...(10):
 \x1b[0;31m, \x1b[1m

Given the following passed to interpret_colors:
 &rHi, &wBob, &bhow &Bare &Wyou &Mtoday?
In the old version this would have produced (60!):
  \x1b[0;40;31m, \x1b[0;40;37m, \x1b[0;40;34m, \x1b[1;40;34m,
  \x1b[1;40;37m, \x1b[1;40;35m
In this new version...(30):
  \x1b[0;31m, \x1b[37m, \x1b[34m, \x1b[1m, \x1b[37m, \x1b[35m

As you can see, the new version is producing codes that are
smaller by *half*. Thus strings with a lot of color codes in them
aren't so large (so your players can stuff even more color codes
into them ;P).

Daniel Koepke
Forgive me father, for I am sin.

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