Re: [NEW IDEA?] Binary Pfile Editing system

From: Shane (wolff@J51.COM)
Date: 07/30/97

On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, Tigeba wrote:

#Shane wrote:
#> On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, Zizazat Lazuras wrote:
#> #> I'd rather just see ASCII pfiles in the stock code personally.
#> #
#>  Well, I personaly think ascii pfiles are a security risk. I know the box
#> i code on, is NOT SECURE. I don't know alot of people who can say there
#> box is totaly secure. All someone has to do is login and upload there
#> file.
#> *shrug*
#The benefits of ascii pfiles are hardly offset by the slight chance that
#can gain access to your account and upload/modify their pfile...  If
#occurs you have way bigger problems than someone giving themselves 1

no no no, We have all chmod 777 a directory we shouldnt have. All it takes
is a simple mistake. Then some 10year comes and uploads hi pfile.

#coins.  Besides, if they hack your account, they are going to have all
#tools they need to edit a binary file anyway (they are gonna have your
#mud source
#too you know... :)
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 ____  _
/ ___|| |__   __ _ _ __   ___   -%-   Shane Wolff (
\___ \| '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _ \  -%-   PPP:
 ___) | | | | (_| | | | |  __/  -%-   URL:
|____/|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\___|  -%-   PGP: finger

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