Re: [ Code ] Again... I still ahev problems with free() and NULL pointers

From: Sammy (samedi@DHC.NET)
Date: 08/04/97

On Mon, 4 Aug 1997, David Klasinc wrote:

> void check_fall(void)
> {
>   int fall_dmg;
>   struct char_data *ch, *next_ch;
>   for (ch = character_list; ch; ch = next_ch) {
>     next_ch = ch->next;
>     gen_damage(ch, GET_MAX_HIT(ch) * 10 / 100, SPELL_ACID_RAIN);

It'd help to know what line it's crashing on (the first thing it shows you
when you load up gdb).

You can probably findd your problem pretty easily by putting a breakpoint
on check_fall (gdb> break check_fall) and using step to see what's


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