Re: compiling errors from "George" at Aug 11, 97 11:29:20 am

From: ;P (siv@CYBERENET.NET)
Date: 08/11/97

> What are lines 1087-1089? (ie: post them)
> Isn't post code when asking about compiling errors in the FAQ or am I just
> wishing it was?

the reason i didn't post them is because there aren't errors there...i
know this..and i stated this in my email..i'm not a newbie who can't spot
parse errors when i get a compiler messege like that...but if you want to
see for is the struct that its talking about..

struct descriptor_data {
   socket_t     descriptor;             /* file descriptor for sockeet */
   socket_t ident_sock;         /* socket used for ident process        */
   u_short  peer_port;          /* port of peer                         */
   char host[HOST_LENGTH+1];    /* hostname                             */
   byte bad_pws;                /* number of bad pw attemps this login  */
   byte idle_tics;              /* tics idle at password prompt         */
   int  connected;              /* mode of 'connectedness'              */
   int  wait;                   /* wait for how many loops              */
   int  desc_num;               /* unique num assigned to desc          */
   time_t login_time;           /* when the person connected            */
   char *showstr_head;          /* for keeping track of an internal str */
   char **showstr_vector;       /* for paging through texts             */
   int  showstr_count;          /* number of pages to page through      */
   int  showstr_page;           /* which page are we currently showing? */
   char **str;                  /* for the modify-str system            */
   char *backstr;               /* added for handling abort buffers     */
   size_t       max_str;                /*              -       */
   long mail_to;                /* name for mail system                 */
   int  prompt_mode;            /* control of prompt-printing           */
   char inbuf[MAX_RAW_INPUT_LENGTH];  /* buffer for raw input           */
   char last_input[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; /* the last input                 */
   char small_outbuf[SMALL_BUFSIZE];  /* standard output buffer         */
   char *output;                /* ptr to the current output buffer     */
   int  bufptr;                 /* ptr to end of current output         */
   int  bufspace;               /* space left in the output buffer      */
   struct txt_block *large_outbuf; /* ptr to large buffer, if we need it */
   struct txt_q input;          /* q of unprocessed input               */
   struct char_data *character; /* linked to char                       */
   struct char_data *original;  /* original char if switched            */
   struct descriptor_data *snooping; /* Who is this char snooping       */
   struct descriptor_data *snoop_by; /* And who is snooping this char   */
   struct descriptor_data *next; /* link to next descriptor             */
   struct olc_data *olc;             /*. OLC info - defined in olc.h   .*/
   int edit_number2;  /* online mobprogs */
   char *storage;

i changed my G zone command so that my builders can specify a quantity
when they are giving objects to a mob...this makes things easier
especially with shops where you don't want the keep er to have an
unlimited goes the code...

in db.c..

in void load_zones...
simply remove the:

    else if (strchr("G", ZCMD.command) != NULL) { /* ### */

so that the G command will be included in the group of commands
with 4 args..

then in void reset_zone...
change the G case to be..

    case 'G':                   /* obj_to_char ### */
      if (!mob) {
        ZONE_ERROR("attempt to give obj to non-existant mob");

      if ((obj_index[ZCMD.arg1].number < ZCMD.arg2) &&
          mob_load && (number(1, 100) >= ZCMD.arg3)) {

        num_objs = ZCMD.arg4;
        if (num_objs > 0)
      for (i = 0; i < num_objs; i++) {
        obj = read_object(ZCMD.arg1, REAL);
        obj_to_char(obj, mob);
        last_cmd = 1;
      } else
        last_cmd = 0;

now any of the fourth arguments for the G command will specify a quantity..

now, for oasis...
in zedit.c

in zedit_save-to_disk
change the case G...arg4 to...arg4 = ZCMD.arg4...

change the zedit disp menu case 'G' to..
   sprintf(buf2, "%sGive it %s [%s%d%s], Chance %d%%, Max : %d, How many : %d",
                MYCMD.if_flag ? " then " : "",
                cyn, obj_index[MYCMD.arg1].virtual, yel,
                MYCMD.arg3 ? (101 - MYCMD.arg3): 100, MYCMD.arg2,
                MYCMD.arg4 ? MYCMD.arg4 : 1

change 'G' to..
    case 'G':
      send_to_char("How many would you like to give? ", d->character);

in zedit_parse, case ZEDIT_ARG3..change the case 'G' to..
      case 'G':
        pos = atoi(arg);
        if (pos == 100) {
          OLC_CMD(d).arg3 = 0;
        else if (pos > 0 && pos < 100) {
          OLC_CMD(d).arg3 = 101 - pos;
          send_to_char("Give a number between 1 and 100. Try again: ",

now in zedit_parse, case ZEDT_ARG4...change case 'G' to..
      case 'G':
        pos = atoi(arg);
          if (pos > 0 && pos < 50) {
            OLC_CMD(d).arg4 = pos;
            send_to_char("Give a number between 1 and 50. Try again: ",

and i believe that's just realized that this may be
different if you don't have the percentage loading snippets from the web
page..but still, i think that this would be a good start..


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