Re: autoquest code

From: Eduo - Tempus Fugit Pseudo Admin (mud@SPARC.CIATEQ.CONACYT.MX)
Date: 08/15/97

On Fri, 15 Aug 1997, Snow Man wrote:

>  I have added the autoquest code for the circlemud that was posted on
> the list a while back.. yet I can not get it to work... I have added all
> there is plus! I goto type medit (mob number) and I goto the mob_flags
> and MOB_QUESTMASTER and MOB_QUEST arent on the list yet there in the
> code.. the code compiles fine...


From a previous post:


Date: Wed, 2 Jul 1997 15:32:28 -0600 (CST)
From: Eduo - Tempus Fugit Pseudo Admin <>
To: Alex <>
Subject: Quest code additions.


I was segint he quest code in the snippets page and saw it missed some

Let's see...

This is all you need to get the autoquest system to compile, you still
need to create 5 objects rewards 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253 and 1254 and also
5 quest items 1256, 1257, 1258, 1259 and 1260. Create a mob and flag it
MOB_QUESTMASTER and flag some mobs around your world MOB_QUEST and you are
all ready to go :)


Under "OBJFILES =" add:

+  quest.obj

and under # Dependencies for the object files (automagically generated
          # gcc -MM)

+  quest.obj: quest.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h handler.h
interpreter.h comm.h db.h
+       $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) quest.c


In "void heartbeat" add the following line to be called each minute:

+ quest_update();  // LJ autoquest


Under /* External structures */ add:

+ extern struct index_data *mob_index;  /* LJ autoquest */

In "void damage" right after:

=  if (GET_POS(victim) == POS_DEAD) {


+  if (PLR_FLAGGED(ch,PLR_QUESTOR) && IS_NPC(victim)) {  /* LJ autoquest
+    if (GET_QUESTMOB(ch) == GET_MOB_VNUM(victim)) {
+      send_to_char("You have almost completed your QUEST!\n\r",ch);
+      send_to_char("Return to the questmaster before your time runs
+      GET_QUESTMOB(ch) = -1;
+    }
+  }


Add new player flag:

+  #define PLR_QUESTOR          (1 << XX)  /* LJ autoquest */

Add 2 new mob flags:

+  #define MOB_QUESTMASTER  (1 << XX) /* LJ autoquest */
+  #define MOB_QUEST        (1 << XX) /* LJ autoquest */

In "struct player_special_data_saved" add:

+  struct char_data *questgiver;  /* LJ autoquest */

replace 5 int spares with:

+  int questpoints;  /* LJ autoquest */
+  int nextquest;  /* LJ autoquest */
+  int countdown;  /* LJ autoquest */
+  int questobj;  /* LJ autoquest */
+  int questmob;  /* LJ autoquest */


Add somewhere:

+  #define GET_QUESTMOB(ch)     ((ch)->player_specials->saved.questmob)
/* LJ autoquest */
+  #define GET_QUESTOBJ(ch)     ((ch)->player_specials->saved.questobj)
/* LJ autoquest */
+  #define GET_QUESTGIVER(ch)   ((ch)->player_specials->saved.questgiver)
/* LJ autoquest */
+  #define GET_COUNTDOWN(ch)    ((ch)->player_specials->saved.countdown)
/* LJ autoquest */
+  #define GET_NEXTQUEST(ch)    ((ch)->player_specials->saved.nextquest)
/* LJ autoquest */
+  #define GET_QUESTPOINTS(ch)
/* LJ autoquest */


Under /* extern variables */ add:

+  extern struct index_data *mob_index;  /* LJ autoquest */

In "void list_one_char" after the part with:

=    if (IS_EVIL(i))
=      strcat(buf, "(Red Aura) ");
=    else if (IS_GOOD(i))
=      strcat(buf, "(Blue Aura) ");
=    }


+  if (IS_NPC(i) && GET_QUESTMOB(ch) == GET_MOB_VNUM(i))  /* LJ autoquest
+    strcat(buf, "(TARGET) ");


Under /* prototypes for all do_x functions. */ add:

+  ACMD(do_autoquest);  /* LJ autoquest */

In the "Master Command list" add:

+  { "autoquest", POS_STANDING, do_autoquest, 0, 0 },  /* LJ autoquest */

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