Re: [Code] Outdoors/Indoors

From: George (greerga@DRAGON.HAM.MUOHIO.EDU)
Date: 10/01/97

On Wed, 1 Oct 1997, Aaron Miller wrote:

>Well, I was looking through weather.c today, and decided that it was silly
>only people otuside knew about the weather. So I went about a making a

How do you know the weather deep inside a cave?

>#define INSIDE(ch) (ROOM_FLAGGED((ch)->in_room, ROOM_INDOORS))
>which is basically a copy of OUTSIDE, except it has a ! preceedingly it
>all, which makes it true if that string is false, I believe.. I tried to
>use !OUTSIDE in my function, but the compiler didn't like that. Hrmph,
>whatever.. anyone help? Would OUTSIDE = 1 have worked for a check?

!OUTSIDE(ch) should work fine and so should OUTSIDE(ch) == 0

George Greer  -   | Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity | is not thus handicapped. -- Elbert Hubbard

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