Re: exp system

From: Franco Gasperino (awe@CET.COM)
Date: 10/02/97

  So then the mob is worth 3x the experience that it is worth normally in
a group of 3 people? Why not have the whole mud group and go slay
everything, so everyone gets the same xp as the highest level char in the
group...thats what I call efficient leveling....
  Why not do something like:
    xp gained = normal mob xp * .(total levels in group / char level)

  Mobs are easier to kill as a group, therefore should each person who has
an easier time in a group killing it should get less..(Im not sure what
the exact xp system is in circle, so if this is, pardon me)

                       Franco Gasperino
                       Cutting Edge Communications, Inc.

On Thu, 2 Oct 1997, Co-Sysop wrote:
> Why not try this?
> Have the mud calculate how much exp each person in the group should receive
> based on the levels of the other group members.  here is an example:
> kitten (level 1)
> puppy (level 2)
> are both grouped.  They want to gain exp.
> Hellspawn (level 30)
> joins up with them and starts killing cityguards.
> Hellspawn receives want he/she would normally get from the mob
> kitten gets what Hellspawn would normally get from the mob
> puppy gets what Hellspawn would normally get from the mob
> Notanewbie (level 50) (remember I use more than just stock levels)
> joins the group and starts killing thebigmob.
> Notanewbie gets what he/she would normally get from the mob
> Hellspawn gets what Notanewbie would normally get from the mob
> kitten gets what Notanewbie would normally get from the mob
> puppy gets what Notanewbie would normally get from the mob
> This way no one can get more exp than the highest level player in the group
> gets and the highest level player in the group can't exactly go around
> killing things 20 levels higher than his/her level to get an outragious
> amount of exp.  As for getting a newbie supergood eq, there are already ways
> to level restrict equipment.

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