Re: [CODE] More About Arguments

From: Brian Williams - Nashak (bmw@EFN.ORG)
Date: 10/03/97

If I'm not mistaken, atoi just returns 0 always. Like atoi("Nashak") = 0,
it just changes it to an integer.

On Fri, 3 Oct 1997, Aaron Miller wrote:

> I am writing a (rather lengthy) function in magic.c, called do_grasp.
> I followed the instructions on adding new commands in coding.doc, namely
> the argument part. Heres what I have
> int do_grasp(struct char_data * ch, char *argument, int cmd, int subcmd)
> {
> int argu;
> /* other declarations that are irrelevent snipped */
> skip_spaces(&argument);
> one_argument(&argument, buf);
> argu = atoi(buf); /* i need an integer to work worth */
> sprintf(buf, "Argument: %d\r\n", argu);
> /* snip rest of function, completely irrelevent */
> }
> I always, no matter what, get 0. What am I doing wrong, here? I followed
> the instructions for using arguments as best I could. Thanks for
> any/all help.
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       |  Brian M. Williams          | 02/02/83 |          |
       | Boccob the Uncaring, Lord of All Magic | Nashak Stonehand     |
       | 5000         | 6000 |

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