Re: Spell durations (was: Swimming, falling,flying and drowning...)

From: Davies, Nathan (DaviesN@AECL.CA)
Date: 10/17/97

>>> >> * Make it non-cumulative in duration.
>>> >I don't have ANY spells accumulative :)
>>> Neither do I... how many people do use cumulative
>>> duration?  and cumulative effect, for that matter?
>>circlemud uses cumulative duration for a number of spells (sanctuary,
>>infravision, the detect spells, invisibilty, protection from evil,
>>poison, curse, just to name a few :)
>I know, but my question is: how many people leave it
>that way?  That was one of the first things I took out :P

I left it this way, and I added accumulation to most spells, along with
increasing their duration.  But then my mud is about balance, so my
larger stats make sense...

>Nathan Davies,

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