Re: Mud Cheats Page

From: Davies, Nathan (DaviesN@AECL.CA)
Date: 10/24/97

Wouldn't this also mean that if you lost link, but the mud didn't know
you lost it, which has happened to me on some muds, that you couldn't
log back in until your char idled out...which for certain imm levels is

>Nathan Davies,
>On Thu, 23 Oct 1997, George wrote:
>=>On Thu, 23 Oct 1997, R. E. Paret wrote:
>=>#1 - Not sure if CircleMUD is fixed, it should be.
>As of pl4 (i know it's old) it wasn't.
>this should fix it:
>for (temp2 = descriptor_list; temp2; temp2 = nextd) {
>  nextd = temp2->next;
>  if ((temp2 != d) && temp2->character && !IS_NPC(temp2->character) &&
>     !strcmp(CAP(tmp_name), GET_NAME(temp2->character))) {
>        SEND_TO_Q("That name is being used, try another.\r\n"
>                  "Name: ", d);
>        return;
>  }

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