Re: [ADMIN] Memory a Mud takes up

From: Daniel Koepke (dkoepke@CALIFORNIA.COM)
Date: 10/30/97

On Thu, 30 Oct 1997, Angus Mezick wrote:

->A good 30-35M at boot and then it goes down to about 25 as the mobs/objs idle
->out (if the zone isn't visited in a while and doesn't have a special flag, we
->clear all the mobs and objs until a char enters...)

Dear lord...35mb at boot?  You mean, you're using up that much memory
before there are any players in the game?!  You might want to look
into rewriting your code for efficiency.  Okay, truthfully, it's fully
possible for a CircleMUD to use 25mb, and it's not too outrageous of a
figure.  But I would still look into cutting down memory usage.  I
sometimes think that I have written the most memory efficient code I
can...and sometimes I have.  Other times (and it seems more often
these days), when I look back at the code, I realize I can do quite a
few things to speed it up and cut down memory usage.  It's worth a
second look.

daniel koepke /

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