Re: Clan

From: Goonk (majef@TM.NET.MY)
Date: 11/08/97

I found out the problem with that piece of code. You have to int your
clan_rank in structs.h :)

At 09:38 PM 11/8/97 -0500, you wrote:
>CI>act.comm.c: In function `do_ctell':
>CI>act.comm.c:544: structure has no member named `clan_rank'
>CI>act.comm.c:576: structure has no member named `clan_rank'
>CI>I tried to put in the Clan code found on the snippet page and got the
>CI>result of above when i compile it. Can someone tell me whats the structure
>CI>format for clan_rank or how did you guys did it thanks!!
>Well i really don't know much about coding at all, but i think that u
>have 'clan_rank' or some other function that has to do with clans at the
>same define number or whatever they are called as some other function. i
>had that problem(just bout an hour ago) and it was OasisOLC's fault, so
>check ur code for that.
>- Ray
>The Abyss
> 8001
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