Re: [BUG] Bug in circle30bpl12 ?

From: Rasdan (rasdan@PEAK.ORG)
Date: 12/01/97

>        ... previous=calculation of gain...
>    /* Position calculations    */
>    switch (GET_POS(ch)) {
>    case POS_SLEEPING:
>      gain += (gain >> 1);      /* Divide by 2 */
>      break;
>    case POS_RESTING:
>      gain += (gain >> 2);      /* Divide by 4 */
>      break;
>    case POS_SITTING:
>      gain += (gain >> 3);      /* Divide by 8 */
>      break;
>    }

You misinterpret this fragment of code. Notice it says:
gain += <whatever>
This means that gain is INCREMENTED by gain/2, gain/4, gain/8,
Therefore, standing gains no modifier, and if you are standing,
then gain is just gain, nothing else.


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