Re: [CODE] [NEWBIE] Random functions

From: George (greerga@CIRCLEMUD.ORG)
Date: 12/01/97

On Mon, 1 Dec 1997, Chuck Reed wrote:

>Ok, some more newbie things that I am a bit hazy on.  In random.c there are
>two random functions (random() and srandom() ).  I can't tell what the hell
>srandom is all about and random looks kinda wierd to me also.  I was just

srandom = seed random
random = generate random number from 0 to 1

>wondering if someone could give me a brief description of what these
>functions do because I am making some spells that I need random percentage
>checks for.  Danke!

Use 'number(from, to)', it's in utils.c I believe.

George Greer  -   | Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity | is not thus handicapped. -- Elbert Hubbard

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