Shop.c & assign_the_shops()

From: Rasmus Ronlev (raro94ab@STUDENT.ECON.CBS.DK)
Date: 12/01/97

Hi again ,-)

Ok, thought I'd comment on the mails I just got on my questions pertaining
the assign_the_shops() problem.

I dug through the code I use, as well as (parts - so I'm lazy .-) the
CircleMUD bpl 12 shop.c stuff.

It seems, that at bootup in the boot_the_shops() the following happens:

      SHOP_KEEPER(top_shop) = real_mobile(SHOP_KEEPER(top_shop));

So... erm.... *grin* I'd say we have a real_mobile/rnum assigment in the
shop_index[x].keeper value...

So, the offset into SHOP_KEEPER(index) should be perfectly safe and 'in
bounds' when using > 0 && < top_of_mobt ,-)

This however raises a note, that the comment in some struct is wrong, or
that something else, than what's actually done, was the purpose... *shrug*

Furthermore, as Akuma wrote, I think there's actually a possible cause for
a memory fault in the stock assign_the_shops code.. If the shop the mud
boots has an invalid mobile assigned, that will put -1 into the
shop_index[xxx].keeper value, then the following code 'underwrites' the
shop_index table:

  for (index = 0; index < top_shop; index++) {
    if (mob_index[SHOP_KEEPER(index)].func)
      SHOP_FUNC(index) = mob_index[SHOP_KEEPER(index)].func;
    mob_index[SHOP_KEEPER(index)].func = shop_keeper;

And... yep... this is taken from STOCK CIRCLEMUD BPL12 in:
void assign_the_shopkeepers(void) B-)

So, BUG BUG BUG BUG BUG *grin* Even though I used my own hacked up version
of the function, it inherited a sneaky, creepy bug... *grumble* I hope
someone will fix this in std. circle also... Don't think my way of going
arround it is very neat, but converted into stock type code it would look

void assign_the_shopkeepers(void)
  int index;
  extern int top_of_mobt;

  cmd_say = find_command("say");
  cmd_tell = find_command("tell");
  cmd_emote = find_command("emote");
  cmd_slap = find_command("slap");
  cmd_puke = find_command("puke");
  for (index = 0; index < top_shop; index++) {
    if((SHOP_KEEPER(index) > -1) && (SHOP_KEEPER(index) <= top_of_mobt)) {
      if (mob_index[SHOP_KEEPER(index)].func)
        SHOP_FUNC(index) = mob_index[SHOP_KEEPER(index)].func;
      mob_index[SHOP_KEEPER(index)].func = shop_keeper;

The check against top_of_mobt is sort of lame, since real_mobile should
have taken care of the check that the mobile it returns a vnum of exists,
but I'm a little 'checkhappy' when it comes to memory trouble by now *G*

Well, I thought this might be of commin interest ,-)


        Rasmus Ronlev DOEK'94 

              B.Sc. Computer Science and Business Administration
          Stud. M.Sc. Computer Science and Business Administration

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