Re: HELP: Leveling

From: George (greerga@CIRCLEMUD.ORG)
Date: 12/07/97

On Sun, 7 Dec 1997, Rafiq Premji wrote:

>I have just replaced my leveling system on the mud with a new one.  I
>deleted all my charactors, and now when I start a new charactor, it is
>level 1, and not an implementor!  I have checked my player object
>directories and no other players are in existence.  How can I raise this
>charactor to implementor status?

rm lib/etc/players



add to interpreter.c and don't forget to remove it later.

>Or, if possble, can someone please send my the player object file for an
>implementor so that I can log it on and make my charactor an

A player object file would do nothing but give you objects. :)

George Greer  -   | Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity | is not thus handicapped. -- Elbert Hubbard

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