Re: ASCII data files

From: Chris Jacobson (fear@ATHENET.NET)
Date: 12/10/97

On 12/10/97 3:05 PM, Doppleganger Software (doppsoft@TZC.COM) stated:

>Well, some cons are that it would be a pain to code.  <grin>  Although
>personally, I think it would look better.  Also, if you switch to an OS
>that doesn't have CRYPT and that last one did, you are SOL for anything
>encrypted.  Which brings me to my next point, security.  That can be
>overcome by CRYPT, but as stated before, that can also be foiled by
>non-CRYPT OS's.  As to game speed, it should be the same, as you are only
>writing, not reading.  If you read while using OLC, then that one is up
>to you.

Crypt for MUDs is IMHO kinda useless... sure it keeps people in the
account out of other players files, but if you have ASCII pfiles, it
doesnt matter anyways, the hacker could still mess it up - the hacker
would also have the password, sure, but if the user is smart enough they
wouldn't use the same password.  I have my passwords non-crypted for
several reasons - we have caught bad users with it.

Depends, really, based on who you are letting into the account that the
MUD is run on.  If you have multiple accounts, too, with access to the
circle dir, make the lib's pfile directory no group access.  Otherwise,
Crypt is pretty useless (and non-portable).

- Chris Jacobson

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