Re: Get/Put spam killing?

From: Leonardo Herrera L. (leherrer@ENTELCHILE.NET)
Date: 12/11/97

George wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Dec 1997, Doppleganger Software wrote:
> If you want a generic parsing implementation that works for anything, try
> looking at my (2*) Parsing patch on my web page.
> or

I have downloaded this patch, but before to install it, I need to ask if
this is not very expensive in terms of speed (We have our mud running on
a linux box with a 486 and 12 (!) mb of RAM! ouch!)...

I have implemented a method of stacking objects for "look" and "get",
but the "drop" code is really a pain. This method is fast and efficient,
but not generic... argh.

Just another (off topic, "idiomatic") question... the word is "wierd" o

Leonardo Herrera L.
  "Me voy a subai, me voy a costai, me voy a tapai y
me voy a hacei tuto."
        -- Ruy

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