Re: Development Style

From: Thibor Ferenczy (roland@INTERPATH.COM)
Date: 12/16/97

Chris Jacobson wrote:
> This is slightly offtopic, but not enough to warrant an [OFFTOPIC] in my
> opinion.
> My question is this:
> What development styles do people use?
> When I say "development style", I mean:
> coding and compiling locally, then uploading to server
> doing all coding on remote server
> etc...

I identify first what it is I mean to do... kind of an important step
Then I cut and paste it from someone elses mud.  (joke)
No really though, I use notepad to write my code (because my server can
sometimes be too laggy for pico).  The files edited are copied from
to XXX.c.bkup (in case we screw something over bigtime), and the initial
attempt compiled, and then if it compiles correctly, tested on an
port.  A while back, when I got compile errors the first thing I did was
run to this list, but after feeling 'dependant' enough, I got my ass in
gear and got a couple of C books.  The C books are good for the basics,
but what I find really helpful when you get stumped:  Read the code
through until you understand it, then read it again.  Find something
to what you are trying to do in the source, and use it as an example
For instance, if you're trying to code a cloaking spell, grep around for
HIDE, hide, SNEAK, and sneak, and read through those occurances in their
files.  A while back there was an argument over whether or not CircleMUD
can be used as a C learning tool, and to be honest I don't remember what
the general consensus was.  But I've found it to be an excellent
tool, so long as you are working with it and not waiting for the answers
to sprintf before your very eyes, or someone to tell you the answers on
this list.  Once you go through the frustrating bout of getting the
wheel to turn the first time, it'll start to move more freely on it's
Course that's just my opinion, and I got way off topic, so how about an

    I feel like roleplay is one of the great jewels long forgotten in
fleet of upcoming MUDs today, so I've been trying to place a great
on it in my MUD.  I intend to pit the players against one another for
thing, by having two opposing races.  At high levels both races gain a
that while exasperating them, will abolish one PC of the other race.  Of
course it's still the players choice of whether or not to follow their
but you can see how it could get them into the spirit of things.
    I'd like to know how some of you have put an emphasis on

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