Re: [ OFF-TOPIC ] Quoting...

From: d. hall (dhall@APK.NET)
Date: 12/17/97

// thus on Wed, 17 Dec 1997 07:38:39 +0100, David virtually wrote:

> On Tue, 16 Dec 1997, dmitri wrote:

dmitri> p.s. if you are going to complain about that thing u guys call
dmitri> quoting...  bring it on.... I LOVE IT!!!!!!

david> *Scratch* maybe somebody should really do something about quoting? I
david> find it extremly annoying, that in 4k of text there is one line of
david> reply and then at the bottoms is also Xk long signarture... I
david> thought that there were rules about this in policy... *ponder*

> --------------
> "To wildly go, where no whale has gone before!"
> --------------

According the RFC's the standard and appropriate signature is no longer
than 4 lines, and preceded by a "^-- *" regular expression.  This way
certain email programs like mine can choose to ignore them. =)  But I

ObCircle: anyone intrested in a bpl12 version of command_interpreter that's
read in from an ASCII file, and allows commands to be enabled/disabled at

              Darren Hall               | phone: 216-241-7166
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