Re: [ OFF-TOPIC ] Quoting...

From: StormeRider (silk@ICI.NET)
Date: 12/17/97

At 01:56 PM 12/17/97 -0500, you wrote:
>// thus on Wed, 17 Dec 1997 13:17:32 -0500, StormeRider virtually wrote:
>Angus> interesting, now just to strap an OASIS front end to it. (impl only)
>Angus> probably would go a long way to balancing imm commands. (that or
>Angus> group the commands into permission sets and set the right bits on
>Angus> the imms)
>Me> ObCircle: anyone intrested in a bpl12 version of command_interpreter
>Me> that's read in from an ASCII file, and allows commands to be
>Me> enabled/disabled at runtime?
>StormeRider> Anyone considered making a standard patch out of the trust
>StormeRider> system and integrating command disabling? Is one of the things
>StormeRider> I have on my plate to do sometime and interested in the
>StormeRider> general opinion.
>Trust system?  Haven't been too much into that.  One of the things I've
>worked on with an offshoot of bpl11 has been reorganizing zone controls to
>specific people via access control lists.  Kinda like giving immortals
>read, write or both methods of access to specific people (this information
>is saved into the zone file).
Sounds a lot like what I meant, except that you would assign certain levels
of trust on a command, like TRUST_ALL, TRUST_GOOD, TRUST_SECURITY,
TRUST_CREATOR. The command interpreter would check to see if the trust is
TRUST_ALL, if so just skip past everything unless the person was set as
being TRUST_NONE for that command. (*IE, disable a person's ability to use
a command like say =) And online changing of things.... hmmmmmmm)

Well, just some things to think about.

What email program is it that you use? Interesting quote method the way it
keeps track of the person who has "voice" in the message. I like it. =)

StormeRider                  ---                 --- telnet://

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