Suggested FAQ entry

From: George (greerga@CIRCLEMUD.ORG)
Date: 12/17/97

Before the flurry of questions about 'circle30bpl12.tar.bz2', let me

bzip2 is a block-sorting compressor based on the Burrows-Wheeler transform
with Huffman encoding and is available from
It compresses files even better than 'gzip' but is also slower and takes
more memory to do it.  I've included comparisons in the README.bz2 file in
the /pub/CircleMUD/3.x/ directory on along with a more
detailed explanation.  The main benefit is for modem users who download
files, they'll be smaller and therefore download faster.  It'll also save
some disk space if you keep files around.  There are rumors that gcc 2.7.2
will miscompile the program so beware if you compile your own version,
binaries are provided for many operating systems includeing Windows.

Perhaps you will find it useful.  Other packages such as the Linux kernel,
the Egcs compiler, and the GIMP distribute bz2 compressed files also.

George Greer  -   | Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity | is not thus handicapped. -- Elbert Hubbard

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