From: Michael J. Fara (mulder@CLOUD9.NET)
Date: 01/18/98

It means that the something (autorun probably) is trying to start circle
while its already running. This could be a misconfiguration or something.
Be sure you have only one copy of autorun running by doing ps -aux | grep
autorun in your account

if there is more than one on the list do kill -9 to the one with the
highest number..if there is only one copy of autorun running you may have a
misconfiguration issue or have a strange system

At 12:39 AM 1/19/98 -0600, you wrote:
>Hello, I'm running the bp12 on a FreeBSD machine.  I have about
>1 meg of errors in my error file all saying
>SYSERR: bind: Address already in use
>I can't seem to get it to stop doing this. It doesn't seem to be
>bothering the running of the Mud much however on the last reboot
>it was a long time coming up and that was reported in the syslog.
>CRASH file as well.
>This is my first post..guess I'm feeling brave tonight...or desperate.
>Jimmy Powell
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