Re: SPCC & Guild of Implementors

From: Daniel Koepke (dkoepke@CALIFORNIA.COM)
Date: 01/19/98

On Mon, 19 Jan 1998, Whitey wrote:

-> How does it disgrace CircleMUD to put a stock copy of CircleMUD on the
->net?  I think stock Circle is pretty good.  Lots of areas, spells, skills,
->mobprogs, it's all there.  Besdies, for some people, a simple mud works
->better than a complicated one.  I think you are disgracing CircleMUD by
->saying that it is not worth putting on the net.  Let the players decide
->which muds to go to.

First, you're confusing "complexity" and "originality".  A MUD can be
quite original, and still very intuitive.  While familiarity certainly
dictates some user-friendliness (e.g., if they've been to a different
MUD with the same areas, then they can probably find their way
around), a well-designed MUD should have clear, concise documentation.

Second, the players will still be deciding which MUD to go to or not.
The group would provide a service to people looking for MUDs that meet
the group's guidelines.  They can be assured that any MUD that is in
the group has met the guidelines; and use that to determine whether or
not they want to look at the MUD.  While I think only fools would base
the decision to play a MUD solely on that one resource, it is upt o
the individual to decide which MUD they will play or which MUD they
won't play.  Just because Siskel & Ebert say some movies suck, doesn't
mean that no-one goes to see those movies, or that those movies don't
make any money.  There have been a number of entertaining movies that
have been given poor reviews; and it won't be any different with the

-> Ya, recommended based on your elitist qualifications.  You are
->basically saying 'I decide who qualifies as original'.  Who put you in

Whomever wants to become a member of his group--especially one aware
of the guidelines of the group, is putting him in charge.  It's really
not that hard to understand.  It's a group: the members choose to be a
member of it--it's not all encompassing, if you don't want to be a
part of it, then you don't have to be; and Fili isn't in charge of
you.  If you choose to become a part of it, then you are placing the
leader of the group in charge, and agreeing to abide by the guidelines
set forth by the group.


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