Re: [CODE] An Intangible mob/obj snippet

From: Patrick J. Dughi (dughi@IMAXX.NET)
Date: 01/24/98

> Hi there.  My builders are requesting intangible mob/objs and I don't really
> want to spend a great deal of time on that, so I am trying to find a snippet
> or patch that gives an example of it.  By intangible I mean that the obj/mob
> can't be looked at, picked up, or manipulated in any way.
        I'd have to say, if you want an easy solution, for objects at
least, just have the mud check for items that are no_take, and have no
name (leave their name and aliases blank).  If so, discount it in the
'look room' so you don't get the blank line, and discount it in the 'get
all' so you don't have to have the "You can't pick that up!!" line.
Realistically, it makes sense that something with NO_TAKE and no name
wasn't meant to do much.  Just curious, why would you have something like
this?  The only things I can think of, you could duplicate with room
spec_procs just as easily.  You wouldn't want the characters to carry
these things around i'm assuming...


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