[gdb help]

From: Robert Sinland (rsinland@ERSKINE.POLARISTEL.NET)
Date: 01/28/98

I have recently moved, and as yet have most of my notes still packed
In any case, while running gdb on a core after a crash I came up with
some of this.

GDB is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it
 under certain conditions; type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB; type "show warranty" for
GDB 4.16 (i586-unknown-linux), Copyright 1996 Free Software Foundation,
Core was generated by `bin/altered -q 4000'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
Reading symbols from /lib/libc.so.5.3.12...done.
Reading symbols from /lib/ld-linux.so.1...done.
#0  0x807d3ce in point_update () at limits.c:437
437             if (SECT(i->in_room) == SECT_WATER_NOSWIM &&
!has_boat(i)) {
(gdb) bt
#0  0x807d3ce in point_update () at limits.c:437
#1  0x804a5f8 in heartbeat (pulse=78750) at comm.c:846
#2  0x804a4e9 in game_loop (mother_desc=3) at comm.c:795
#3  0x8049b3e in init_game (port=4000) at comm.c:373
#4  0x8049827 in main (argc=3, argv=0xbffffe00) at comm.c:245
#5  0x804950b in ___crt_dummy__ ()
(gdb) list
433           if (GET_LEVEL(i) < LVL_IMPL)
434             check_idling(i);
436          if (GET_LEVEL(i) < LVL_IMMORT)
437             if (SECT(i->in_room) == SECT_WATER_NOSWIM &&
!has_boat(i)) {
438               act("$n thrashes about in the water straining to stay
afloat.", FALSE,i, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
439              send_to_char("You are drowning!\r\n", i);
440              damage(i, i, GET_MAX_HIT(i) / 5, TYPE_SUFFERING); /*
441           }
(gdb) print i
$1 = (struct char_data *) 0x83ed058
(gdb) print *i
$2 = {pfilepos = 1074394360, nr = -2824, in_room = 16393, was_in_room =
  was_battle = 0, player = {passwd = "Slr9fSGhRE",
    name = 0x83d4348 "\204&\023\bÀò\t@\020", prefix = 0x80bd72e "",
    short_descr = 0x0, long_descr = 0x0, description = 0x0,
  title = 0x81329f0 "Èò\t@Èò\t@dpupil",
    prompt = 0x83b9428 " ó\t@ ó\t@nt&Y: &B%o &W/ &cTank&Y:
&B%t%_&r%h&Y(&R%H&Y)&whitp &c%m&Y(&C%M&Y)&wmana
&g%v&Y(&G%V&Y)&wmove&Y>p", poofin = 0x0,
    poofout = 0x0, sex = 1 '\001', class = 3 '\003', race = 0 '\000',
    level = 1 '\001', hometown = 1, time = {birth = 886015432,
      logon = 886018742, played = 3308}, weight = 145 '\221',
    height = 163 '£'}, real_abils = {str = 16 '\020', str_add = 0
    intel = 11 '\013', wis = 11 '\013', dex = 14 '\016', con = 12 '\f',
    cha = 10 '\n'}, aff_abils = {str = 16 '\020', str_add = 0 '\000',
    intel = 11 '\013', wis = 11 '\013', dex = 14 '\016', con = 12 '\f',
    cha = 10 '\n'}, points = {mana = 100, max_mana = 100, hit = 23,
    max_hit = 23, move = 84, max_move = 84, armor = 100, gold = 0,
    bank_gold = 0, exp = 1, hitroll = 0 '\000', damroll = 0 '\000'},
  char_specials = {fighting = 0x0, hunting = 0x0, riding = 0x0,
    ridden_by = 0x0, position = 8 '\b', carry_weight = 0,
    carry_items = 0 '\000', timer = 49, hitgain = 0 '\000',
    managain = 0 '\000', saved = {alignment = 0, idnum = 287, act = 64,
      affected_by = 0, apply_saving_throw = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}},
  player_specials = 0x83ed1d8, mob_specials = {last_direction = 0
    attack_type = 0, default_pos = 8 '\b', memory = 0x0, damnodice = 0
    damsizedice = 0 '\000', wait_state = 0, attack1 = 0, attack2 = 0,
    attack3 = 0}, affected = 0x0, equipment = {0x0 <repeats 26 times>},
  carrying = 0x0, desc = 0x0, next_in_room = 0x0, next = 0x83f38a0,
  next_fighting = 0x0, followers = 0x0, master = 0x0, mpact = 0x0,
  mpactnum = 0}
   Just a couple dumb questions, why is the name of the player in
"gobble-de-gook", and as far as I know
this happened after he timed out and would have been in "the void".  The
frustrating thing is I can not
reproduce these crashes on my own machine, they only happen on the
server :(
  Guess I could stand some basic gdb tutoring :)

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