Copyover problem Adam Beytin at "Jul 25, 97 06:05:58 pm"

From: Erik Bernhardson (journey@JPS.NET)
Date: 01/30/98

Ok, this bug has me stumped...i cant figure out whats causing it.  Heres the
gdb output from when i parse the error out:

(gdb) print buf
$2 = "11 Lor 1205 0 -1 Lo.H.k4tLSy0w\000D/E/S)", '\000' <repeats 8138 times>
(gdb) step
272       sscanf(buf, "%d %s %s %d %d %d %s", &desc, name, host, &load_room, &idle, &was_in, pwd);
(gdb) step
273       if (desc == -1)
(gdb) print desc
$3 = 11
(gdb) print name
$4 = "w\000r\000иняї\020\r\000\000пняї\020\r\000"
(gdb) print host
$5 = "\000ю\000\000\000\000\000\000\000ю\000\000\000\000\000"
(gdb) print load_room
$6 = 1205
(gdb) print idle
$7 = 0
(gdb) print was_in
$8 = -1
(gdb) print pwd
$9 = "Lo.H.k4tLSy0w"

As you can see every variable is transfered from buf to the appropriet string,
except for name.  the variable declerations are:

char host[HOST_LENGTH+1], name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH+1], pwd[MAX_PWD_LENGTH+1];
int desc, load_room, idle, was_in;

Any help would be flames to /dev/audio please. thanks


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