[OASIS] Aedit or OLC Social Editor :How do I save actions to disk?

From: Brian (brian@IMI-BOTTLING.COM)
Date: 02/02/98

Dumb question time....  :)

I added the Oasist v1.6 & 1.6a patches to stock bpl12, and then applied
Aedit (Action Editor aka Online Social Editor).  Anyways, for the life of
me, I can not figure out what command calls the save_to_disk routine.  After
editing a social it asks if you want to save to memory, but typing "aedit
save" just shows the "Oops, I forgot what you wanted me to save" message
from olc.c.  The "olc" command shows pending Actions that need saving, but I
don't know what command saves them.  There are no docs that I've found that
explain the command line options.  I'm sure someone out there must know! :)

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