Re: [ERROR] -1 to 0

From: Jesper Andersen (knight@STOFANET.DK)
Date: 02/08/98

I found out that the 1.6a patch did correct the error about the exits to the
VOID. But my problem about the unlimited watersupply in containers still
remain. Does anybody have the problem too or is it just my code there is
screwed? If any has a fix for the problem, gimmi a mail :)


>>I ran into a "highly developed feature" the other day *grin*
>>It seems that my exits with descriptions, but NO exit(-1) changed so the
>>exit became 0(The void). And unlimited drinking-fountains also became
>>They changed from -1 to 0 or 9999. And after taking one sip one alias
>>Has anybody seen this type of error??
>        Yes, I reported this a few months ago and George promptly fixed it.
>Dollars to doughnuts you're running an old version of OasisOlc.  Seems
>they didn't quite support rooms with -1 exits intended for extra
>        Freaked me out when I discovered npc's from every corner of the
>world having quite a party out in the void ;)
>-jac 'upgrade'
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