[CODE] Death Gate: Anyone working on it?

From: Daniel Houghton (dasher@TEZ.NET)
Date: 02/15/98

Hello people!  I've just recently rejoined the list, so forgive me if
I'm rehashing something that's already been discussed.

I'm curious to know if anyone on the list has taken a good look at or is
working with the Death's Gate engine, available at
http://www.imaxx.net/~thrytis/dg/.  It attracted my interest, being the
source of the Death's Gate scripts that are getting higher visibility,
and also representing (IMHO) a good first step towards converting
pertinent sections of the CircleMUD engine to an object-oriented

I personally have been working with it, first coaxing it into compiling
with g++ without flooding my screen with errors, then converting
pertinent sections which were based on CircleMUD 3.0 beta patchlevel 9
over to the then-current beta patchlevel 11.  I've proceeded from there,
putting in the improved editor, inline color coding, a GURPS-based skill
system, and other features that my MUD's players have wanted.  Shoot, I
even wrote a bunch of Perl scripts to convert my bpl11-based MUD's zones
(Tower of the Lost Order, currently offline) to Deathgate, even parsing
mobprogs into .trg files!

I think the Death's Gate coders, even if they never fully finished, did
some good work.  I'm not just talking about the scripting system; for
example, I think that things like the usage of structures with void
pointers to point to functions for saving edited text to various objects
should be standard in CircleMUD.

So to sum up, I'm working on creating a code base that merges the best
of CircleMUD bpl 12 and its many patches (mostly from George
Greerga) and Death's Gate... and if anyone out there is doing anything
similar, I'd like to know!  It'd be cool to have a group effort to
produce an up-to-date MUD engine whose advanced features could be solid
enough to make it into standard CircleMUD at some point.


Daniel Houghton AKA Garadon

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