Re: Problem: Loading New Char...

From: Daniel Koepke (dkoepke@CALIFORNIA.COM)
Date: 03/05/98

On Thu, 5 Mar 1998, S. Mead wrote:

->    I am stuck on this bug I am having...  When some people come on and
->make a char my mud crashes with this error in the log
->SYSERR: NULL or NOWHERE in handler.c, char_from_room

First, you need to distinguish between a crash and a simple shutdown
of the program.  A crash is handled by the operating system, not by
the program (e.g., UNIX core dumps, Windows95 reports that the program
has performed an illegal operation).  In this case, the program simply
shuts itself down because it has determined that it has encountered
invalid or undesirable data.

->if (ch == NULL || ch->in_room == NOWHERE) {
->    log("SYSERR: NULL or NOWHERE in handler.c, char_from_room");
->    exit(1);    <-  What does this command do?
->  }

exit() exits the program.  Which is probably why it's called exit()...

->I found that char_from_room is called in nanny when the player hits '1'
->to enter, this is that section of code:

No it isn't.  That's not stock code, and it's wrong.  The player isn't
even in a room yet, so how can they be removed from it?

->/*  It doesn't crash when I comment this out, but then it doesnt save
->any of the character's equipment either....
->      if ((load_result = Crash_load(d->character)))  <<<---  What does
->this mean?

It's the same as,

  load_result = Crash_load(d->character);
  if (load_result)

->  if (GET_LEVEL(d->character) < LVL_IMMORT && !PLR_FLAGGED(d->character,
->    char_from_room(d->character);
->    char_to_room(d->character, load_room);
->  }*/

This is not stock code, and it is where you are having a problem.

->I am a little confused on what load_result is before the above if
->statement, I traced load_result back to its last declatation and I found
->it here in CON_QCLASS:

What load_result was doesn't make a difference, because it gets
assigned a new value.

->I think I am getting myself lost :)
->Does anyone have some insight for me?

I suggest a book on ANSI C.

ObProgrammerHumor: Whoever said syllogisms couldn't be humorous?
(actually, this isn't actually a syllogism in the strictess sense of
word, but whatever),

  Fact: Development engineers (e.g., programmers) on break talk
        about football.
  Fact: Senior engineers on break talk about tennis.
  Fact: Executives talk about golf.

  Conclusion: The higher you go on the corporate ladder, the smaller
              your balls are.

Hm, perhaps that proves syllogisms aren't funny.


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