new mud question

From: C^2 (wicked@MAIL1.I1.NET)
Date: 03/08/98

Hi all..

        I am an implementer on a new mud.  It is a quad-class mud and has
many nice features.  Up to this point, I have done all of the coding and
all of the areas myself.  All my friends who wanted to be a part of a mud
can't seem to find the time to even write an area :(.  My question to you
is:  what did you do when just starting out to attract builders and
playtesters.  I don't want to open yet, as I have mostly stock areas, and
in my opinion, that just doesn't cut it.  Especially with the
modifications I have made, I would have to go through and change the stats
on every mob to make them harder.  I don't think I really need a coder
right now( unless they want to install online creation :) ).  If anyone is
interested in building an area, or filling in any of the god positions,
let me know.  I am mainly looking for people who are enthusiastic, and
with only a few of the god positions filled, there is plenty of room for

RECAP:  how did you recruit builders when your mud was just starting out?

implementer of FATE 4000

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