Re: Hidden rooms

From: Edward Glamkowski (EGlamkowski@MATHEMATICA-MPR.COM)
Date: 03/10/98

>Secret exit = you can walk there, but can't see it
>Secret door = A door that's not visible
>Secret pickproof = A pickproof door not visible.

I've been playing KAOS quite a bit of late, and find the number of
pickproof locks to be extremely annoying.
Personally, I'd just as soon do away with pickproof and put in a new
value that modifies the chance of success.

While too many pickproof locks is really an issue for builders to be
aware of, too many abuse it.  It is really tempting to make the
climax of the zone be immune to cheap "victory" by a thief, on the
other hand, thieves are so weak otherwise that I don't see this as
a problem.
I mean, that's what thieves *DO*!  Avoid the combat and get the
treasure while no one is looking.

And while I'm on adding values, I'd like to propose that the stock
mag_saving_throw function (or what ever it is called ;) be passed
an additional integer 'modifier' that gets added to the base saving
throw (so that negative modifiers are good, positive are bad).  I added
this and find it *extremely* useful.
And it doesn't take a lot of effort to add! :)

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