Re: [World Editors] Dikued from Daniel Koepke at "Mar 16, 98 03:29:35 pm"

Date: 03/17/98

>   void mfgets(char * buf, size_t len, FILE * fp)
>   {
>     fgets(buf, len, fp);
>     if (*buf)
>       buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0';
>   }
> And replace all the calls of "fgets" with "mfgets" (simple search and
> replace; except for the one call in mfgets, of course).  Why does it
> use "wstr2", anyway?  If you load into "wstr", why do you copy it to
> "wstr2"?

        Not sure.  wstr2 is just used internally in the function, and looks
like it could've been left as wstr w/o affecting anything.  There's lots
of code oddiities in Dikued. :)
        Below is one function, used for a "(yes/no)" prompt, that originally
had a call to gets()

/* Ask for Yes or No */
int AskYesNo(char *wstr) {
   char wstr2[DU_MAXSTRLEN];


   if((*wstr2 != '\0') && (!strnccmp(wstr, wstr2, strlen(wstr2) )))

        I had originally just changed the call to

fgets(wstr2, DU_MAXSTRLEN, stdin);

   although specifying DU_MAXSTRLEN as the max allowable size twice seems
redundant.  But encapsulating fgets() in my own mfgets() sounds like a good
idea at the moment, thanks.  I'll compare that to George's read_line
suggestion too, and see which'll work better for the situation.
        Thanks, guys. :)
-AxL, - SysOp, RPM Director, WPCR Plymouth, 91.7 FM
 "Discriminate against the next fashion sucker you's a raver!"
                                      - Ec8or,  Digital Hardcore Records

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