Re: MSVC 5.0 Compile

From: George (greerga@CIRCLEMUD.ORG)
Date: 03/18/98

On Wed, 18 Mar 1998, Baktor Silvanti wrote:

>> It's better to add '#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1' to conf.h
>If we are experiencing a problem with this, then why don't we nip it in
>the butt and put #ifdef's in and a few other checks to make sure that
>it'll cover itself?  Another thing, (doing this from my head and I can't
>get to the file right now), what do you do if you don't have the include
>file?  were gonna bomb over some small trivial function?(again, i can't
>see the places it's actually at, but i've looked at this when it
>originally came out, as i had this problem too) is hand generated and had that line mistakenly left out, so
there isn't a whole lot we can check for because it's supposed to reflect
what the system has.  At the moment, it doesn't correctly reflect the

(And yes, it's fixed in bpl13.)

George Greer  -   | Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity | is not thus handicapped. -- Elbert Hubbard

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