Re: [win95][OLC]

From: George (greerga@CIRCLEMUD.ORG)
Date: 03/18/98

On Tue, 17 Mar 1998, Daniel Koepke wrote:

>On Wed, 18 Mar 1998, Lethal Access wrote:
>->*EXCEPT* for the OasisOLC patches which *NEVER* work with the patch
>->port for Win95... I see that they use a totally different style of
>->creating their, which is all fine and good, but screws over a bunch
>->of people trying to add in Oasis.
>Assuming George uses GNU diff to create the patches (and why wouldn't
>he?), then any port of GNU's 'patch' program that doesn't strip
>functionality (and why would it?) will work.

diff - GNU diffutils version 2.7

>->However, since the percentage of people using CircleMUD on Win95
>->systems to real systems is low, I guess I wouldn't care about them
>->as well.
>I doubt it's a matter of "caring" about Windows 95 users.  It's a
>matter of whether or not it's necessary (and I don't think it is), and
>whether or not he has the time to handle everyone's problems (and I
>don't think he does).

Not enough time usually, but I give it a shot most of the time.  It's not
necessary, the file is perfectly readable and should be understood anyway,
not just haphazardly applied.

>In a pissy mood (that is made worse because I don't why and that's
>starting to wear on my nerves and making me even more pissy--but it's
>probably the headache I've had since 2p...I think I'm sick [again]),

I don't think they have Virtual Get Well cards, but I could be wrong.

George Greer  -   | Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity | is not thus handicapped. -- Elbert Hubbard

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