Re: [Newbie] Telnet Question

From: Darren Ward (dward@PLA.NET.AU)
Date: 04/17/98

Since we do not know the type of Firewall you are talking about and
whether you administer it or not I don't think we can help you.

If you do administer it then you could password the firewall or allow only
a few static IP addresses to be valid for the telnet port.

| Darren Ward | Systems Engineer | Planet Online - HTTP:/WWW.PLA.NET.AU |

On Thu, 16 Apr 1998, Dolan, Scott wrote:

> Just out of curiosity.. Is there any way to get the mud to open up a
> telnet session for you to the host computer?  The system I use has a
> firewall that will not allow any outside ISP's to access the inside, but
> it would be nice if my coders could compile, make changes, etc from the
> outside..
>         Thanks
>         Scott
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