On Thu, 30 Apr 1998, Tony Robbins wrote: ->He has a point. We've seen object minlevels, it might be kinda nifty to ->add a world spec type thing to do something like: Here, it's simple Mailer Code(tm) and not exactly what you specified, but it's quick and easy: To room_data add "int level;" In db.c:parse_room() find: if (!get_line(fl, line) || sscanf(line, " %d %s %d ", t, flags, t + 2) != 3) { and change it to, if (!get_line(fl, line) || (i = sscanf(line, " %d %s %d %d ", t, flags, t + 2, t + 3)) < 3 || i > 4) { Just below that you'll see, world[room_nr].room_flags = asciiflag_conv(flags); world[room_nr].sectory_type = t[2]; add, world[room_nr].level = (i == 4 ? t[3] : 0); In act.movement.c:do_simple_move(), after, if (need_specials_check && special(ch, dir + 1, "")) return 0; add, if (!IS_NPC(ch) && world[EXIT(ch, dir)->to_room].level > GET_LEVEL(ch)) { send_to_char("You don't belong in there.\r\n", ch); return 0; } In act.wizard.c:find_target_room() find, if (GET_LEVEL(ch) < LVL_GRGOD) { and before it add, if (GET_LEVEL(ch) < world[location].level) { send_to_char("You aren't godly enough to go there.\r\n", ch); return 0; } Finally in do_show() find the reference to GODROOM, if (ROOM_FLAGGED(i, ROOM_GODROOM)) and change it to, if (ROOM_FLAGGED(i, ROOM_GODROOM) || world[i].level >= LVL_GRGOD) I think that's all...ROOM_GODROOM will still work as it always did, but you might consider changing it given this new feature. -dak : Remember, it's Mailer Code(tm) +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | http://democracy.queensu.ca/~fletcher/Circle/list-faq.html | +------------------------------------------------------------+
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