Re: x >> x

From: Kyle Goodwin (vbmasta@EARTHLINK.NET)
Date: 07/24/98

What you need to do is use a loop to determine what bit is set like so...

int getordinal(int number) {

int currentbit;
for (currentbit = 1; currentbit <= #WHATEVER HIGHEST BIT IS#; currentbit++)
        if ((1 >> currentbit) == number)
                return currentbit;

You could then use this like so...

int ordinal, bit;

bit = 128;
ordinal = getordinal(bit);

Kyle Goodwin

> From: I Chose No Name <MUDaholic@AOL.COM>
> To:
> Subject:  x >> x
> Date: Friday, July 24, 1998 11:01 PM
> okay, i just need a lil help here :)
> i need to convert a (1 >> 7) [which is 128] into
> 7...but i have like a variable 128 that i got from
> 1 >> 7, and i need to convert it back into 7...any help?
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