do_who boot time high question

From: Matt Roach (winter@GEEK.NET)
Date: 08/07/98

Ok, I've written my own do_who and right now Im trying to add a boot time
high to it, currently I've tried this but it hasn't worked, can you see
whats wrong, because I can't seem to figure it out, thanks in advance.

at the top of the file in the defines I got:
static int boot_high;

and then at the end of the file I got:
if(num_can_see < boot_high)
   boot_high = num_can_see;

sprintf(buf, "There is a boot time high of %d character%s.\r\n", boot_high,
   (boot_high == 1) ? "" : "s");
send_to_char(buf, ch);

* Matt Roach -- Creator of OnyxMUD, Coder and Builder for WinterMUTE          *
* 6666 (WinterMUTE)                                               *
*                                                             *

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